Thursday 3 February 2011

Maybe A Light at the End of the Tunnel?

Hellooooo me!

I really need to get some followers on this thing... Anyway!! I've found a couple of Uni courses that Im going to consider applying for. Lets hope for the best!!

Tuesday 1 February 2011

Online... And Exhausted!

Far too tired to be at college today... Ugh!!

This  last week has been crappy, my Uni interview didnt go as smoothly as I'd hoped. The guy didnt seem remotely interested in my work and I feel like I've already been crossed off the list. I asked questions and told him about my work but it was like talking to a brick wall!! Not hopeful AT ALL!!!

So in conclusion, IM A WHINEY LITTLE BITCH!! :D Lol LittleKuriboh reference ^^ Here's one of my portfolio pictures of my uncle Liam and his bride Mary.

Tuesday 25 January 2011

Just for Laughs XD

Oh I've come across something VERY odd! Hail Crazy Woody on DeviantArt

This is histerical!! I couldnt stop laughing!! I think someone needs to explain it to me, where do these Woody toys come from? I WANT ONE! XD

Testing Uploading Images...

So heres just one photo I've done since I've been on my course. Its painting with light and its incredibly cliche... But I like it so there.

Considering I had just got my new camera (an Olympus e-450) and I'd ever done this before, it came out really really well. The sparks are placed perfectly and the lines are very clear

Officially Blogging!

Hello Blogger!!

So I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Charlotte Head and I'm a proffesional photographer in the making... So I'm guessing you could say I'm a student photographer! I've never actually had a blog before, so this is new to me. I have a DeviantArt page ( but I'm slowly losing interest in that just because it's full of old crappy drawings and fanfiction >< Oh yeah I'm also a real fangirl... I need  a life, I know! 

I'll mostly be posting photography (how original, right?) and the odd update about my life... Yeah, not much different from DeviantArt... Gah!!

So I'm gonna go and upload some stuff. Drop by soon!!